He activated agreements with China (Sinovac and Cansino), with which he was able to fulfill the offer to vaccinate nine million mobile phone number list Ecuadorians in 100 days; In addition, the active and effective participation of all levels of society –universities, private companies, social organizations– allowed this to be possible. The success of the vaccination process was reflected in a high acceptance in the surveys and a positive social mood. However, after this auspicious start, a series of events took place that have laid bare the nature and limits of mobile phone number list Lasso's administration.
Four aspects have become triggers of this downturn: the resurgence of criminal violence and, in particular, the prison crisis; the substance and form of the mobile phone number list failed approval of a law called "Creation of Opportunities"; the activation of social mobilization and, in recent weeks, the scandal arising from the publication of the Pandora Papers. With less than six months in power, the government was already suffering significant wear and tear, reflected in a sharp drop in approval in the polls the scandal arising from the publication of the Pandora Papers.
With less than six months in power, the government was already suffering significant wear and tear, reflected in a sharp drop in approval in the polls the scandal arising from the publication of the Pandora Papers. With less than six months in power, the government was already suffering significant wear and tear, reflected in a sharp drop in approval in the polls1, in the mobile phone number list gradual activation of social mobilization, in the climate of confrontation with the Legislature and in a defensive position against investigations into tax havens. The political toboggan has put at stake, in record time, the permanence, the program and the governability of the self-styled "government of the encounter."