Sample ads a google serp displaying cat food ads. Carousels a carousel is a type of result appearing on the serp that displays a visual list or gallery of results. Clicking on an individual item in the gallery starts a new search for that item. Carousels can display for company employee list any number of search queries. Common search queries are for movies, recipes, music albums, and more. Example carousel a google serp displaying a carousel of jennifer aniston movies.
Featured snippet also known as “position zero,” a featured snippet is a snippet of information pulled from a third-party web page (like yours) that appears at the top of search results above all organic results, but often below paid ads. Sometimes multiple featured company employee list snippets appear for a query. Featured snippet example a google serp showing a snippet of information pulled from a third-party website. Image carousel an image carousel is a row or gallery of images related to the search query.
Clicking on an image takes you to the google images search vertical to explore more search-related images. Example images google serp displaying company employee list images for cute kittens. Knowledge map a knowledge map is another way google responds to queries — and those responses are generally considered common knowledge. As such, google relies on several sources to extract this information (such as data agreements with third parties), but not third party websites (like yours). Knowledge cards can be displayed in many different forms.