Contractors should be prepared for surprises, but they're not necessarily fans of them, especially ones that require extra work and can incur fines. Any surprises involving the federal government? You can stop there.It's complicated enough to employee contact list bid for work and manage schedules, budgets and subcontractors, even using good construction management software, without being interrupted by an auditor or construction inspector. Department of Labor (DOL) security who wants to employee contact list take your time and have you dig up records from years gone by.
One strategy would be to close your eyes and hope that all DOL listeners move to Cancun.A better approach might be to employee contact list make yourself as audit-proof as possible by: a) complying with all safety and wage regulations, and b) ensuring you can demonstrate compliance in the event of audit or investigation.Why construction companies are inspected or auditedTwo of the major divisions of the Department of Labor that conduct investigations are the employee contact list Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). As you probably know, OSHA sets and enforces health and safety rules that American businesses, including construction contractors, must follow.
Because construction sites can be deadly, OSHA's building regulations consist of 29 subparts with hundreds of regulations and schedules that may or may not apply, depending on the area of work. a given entrepreneur.OSHA inspections are performed without notice. OSHA sometimes targets random companies in industry sectors with a high incidence of injury or death. They may also respond to employee contact list a report from an employee or competitor of a perceived violation.If OSHA inspectors find noncompliance, citations and fines can follow. OSHA's highest fines increased 78% in 2015, so a single violation can cost you over $12,000; a "willful or repeated" violation, more than $120,000.While OSHA aims to employee contact list keep workers safe.